Standard support provided in your annual contract includes:


  • Directing you to our documentation or prerecorded webinars. 
  • Answering a question or providing a quick ad hoc “How To” 
  • Troubleshooting an issue with existing functionality 
  • Public webinars and trainings 


  • Adding or deleting profile changes 


  • Copy gradebook configurations  
  • Applying grade parameters to gradebooks 

Resource Management 

  • Duplicating a current resource for new use 


Custom (consultative, projects) billable support includes, but is not limited to: 

Rate: $175 per support hour; Development involvement is $225 per hour. Scope of Work will be provided prior.lo


  • Documentation or instructions exists on the task you are requesting but you are requesting SchoolSpeak staff complete the request for you. 
  • New staff member orientation 


  • Changing from traditional grading to standards grading 

Report Cards / Transcripts 


  • Form building (ex. applications, registration forms) 


  • Creation of custom reports, editing current custom report  
  • Resource Management 
  • Parent/teacher signups resource creation 

Time commitment 

  • If any request will take a substantial amount of time it will be assessed on a case by case basis