Requests for registration and admissions enrollment forms start to roll in late December to  March. To be sure you get the assistance you need, please follow the guidelines below.

Existing Form Edits

To update existing forms that you used in a previous school year for the coming school year:
Two Weeks Needed: For existing forms that you want to use this year, we can assist with updating text, changing dates, tuition amounts, and copying the resource for the new school year. Edits to existing templates need two weeks prior to your form go-live date. Edits requested for a quicker than two-week turn around time may become a billable event as we need to pull resources to accommodate.

New to Registration and Enrollment Forms?

Two Weeks Needed: If you have not created a registration form, we can start you off by making our sample registration/enrollment and landing pages available for editing within your SchoolSpeak account. Edits requested need to be submitted two weeks prior to your form go-live timeframe. Edits requested for a quicker than two-week turn around time may become a billable event as we need to pull resources to accommodate.

Creation of Non Template Forms

Four Weeks Needed: Creation of new forms (any form not using our premade templates) is billable. Your request will be assessed and a statement of work provided prior to the start of the project. To create and test the created template, SchoolSpeak needs 4 weeks so please plan accordingly. For our rates, please see our article Standard & Custom/Billable Support