There are several options available when working with emails in SchoolSpeak. From traditional emails, summary emails (automated daily or weekly), admin email, user management emails, profile update notification emails, to welcome emails with ID and Password information - schools can use some or all of these powerful tools to support their school community. Plus, SchoolSpeak administrators are able to customize email access privileges.

Email overview

Email is one of the most powerful methods for communicating with your school community. As the administrator you have many options with regard to configuring the way your school will work with emails. There are some important setup options for providing people with email access (to learn more click on the blue links):

Groups - Administrators can determine which groups may receive emails by modifying the group properties. When creating or modifying a group, the administrator should consider whether or not emails are appropriate for a group. Please refer to group properties for more information - MAKE LINK.

Group Administrators - By default, if a group has email enabled, then the group administrator will be able to email that group. For example, a homeroom teacher that is defined as the group administrator for their homeroom, will be able to email the group/members. Group administrators may also change the group email property setting.

Group Email permissions - Account and group admins have the ability to enable members to email a particular group using the email this group permission. This is a great option for class parents or specials teachers that would like to email their students.

Email All - This is an account level permission that would apply to your overall SchoolSpeak account. Configured in the Account Configuration ==> User Permissions section, this permission will allow anyone listed in the permission box to email the entire school. This is best used for someone who needs to act as a backup for account admins. 

Your SchoolSpeak account email settings

You may view your account email settings via Admin ==> Configure System ==> Email Configuration. Decisions regarding your account email settings are per the direction of your SchoolSpeak account administrator. Changes to this page require SchoolSpeak support assistance. Settings include:

- Can a parent or student email within SchoolSpeak?

- Should parents be able to see the email link or the TO button on an email

- At what email recipient level should SchoolSpeak change the TO to a BCC?

System emails

There are a number of system emails in SchoolSpeak that schools may use to the benefit of their school community.

Summary email

The summary email is an email that is sent by SchoolSpeak either daily or weekly. New items that have been added to SchoolSpeak are sent to members of your school community.  The summary email is built dynamically for each member and uses the group's associations that the member is part of to determine the information that is included within the email. Administrators can decide which groups and resources are included in the summary email.  

Setting up a resource to work with a summary email

Setting up a group to be included within the summary email

Summary email schedule 

The Welcome email - Sending out login Id and password emails

Sending out the ID and password to families and new staff members is the first step for new members to access SchoolSpeak. As an account administrator, you may send out the information at any time. The text that is used in these emails may be modified by SchoolSpeak administrators within the Admin tools ===> Configure System ===>Custom messages

  1. When creating a new family/member - You have the option to send out the login information when adding a new member or family
  2. Send to a group using the Admin Tool - Users Yet to Login - Often used when first implementing SchoolSpeak or sending to a number of people at one time
  3. Reminder email using Admin tool - Login Report - Useful to remind members who already logged into SchoolSpeak of their ID and passwords (great at beginning of school year)

Opting out of system emails

SchoolSpeak members may opt to not receive system emails from SchoolSpeak. Simply use the profile setting Email Notifications and set it to Disable.  (Note: By default is set to Enable) The Disable status means that the member will not receive summary emails, reminder emails or progress report notifications. It does not prevent a direct email to that person. If that member would like to not be included in any emails they should remove their email address from the email field. But this will also mean that any password updated will not be sent to the member.

Working with profiles

SchoolSpeak System Emails - Custom Messages

SchoolSpeak administrators may modify and add to the sample custom messages used throughout the application such as welcome user email messages, email signature, password reminder email messages.

In the Account Configuration section, click the Custom messages link on the Edit Community Details page.

Welcome email

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Password reminder

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School terms and conditions

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Email terms and conditions

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