Parents can view the invoices posted in the names of the spouse if only they have profile edit permission of the spouse.

For example, for parents living separate/divorced, Dennis Bradford (Father1) and Lilac Bradford (Mother1). After their separation, Karen Bradford (Child 1) and Jasmine Bradford (Child 2) live with Dennis Bradford (Father1) and Ann Smith (Mother 2). 

Dennis Bradford and Lilac Bradford do not have edit permission to each other’s profile, and Dennis Bradford and Ann Smith have edit permission to each other’s profile.

In this case, SchoolSpeak considers this family association as 2 different families:

Family 1 - Karen Bradford (Child 1), Jasmine Bradford (Child 2), and Lilac Bradford (Mother 1)

Family 2 - Dennis Bradford (Father), Karen Bradford (Child 1), Jasmine Bradford (Child 2), and Ann Smith (Mother 2)

Father – Dennis Bradford:                 

  • Can view and pay the invoices of Karen Bradford (Child 1), Jasmine Bradford (Child 2), Ann Smith, his present spouse (Mother 2), and his invoices.  

Mother 1 – Lilac Bradford:

  • Can view the invoices of Karen Bradford (Child 1), Jasmine Bradford (Child 2), and her invoices.

Mother 2 – Ann Smith:                      

  • Can view and pay the invoices of Karen Bradford (Child 1), Jasmine Bradford (Child 2), Dennis Bradford (Her spouse), and her invoices.

Students’ Access to Invoice Resource

Karen Bradford is a student of 4th Grade, daughter of Dennis Bradford and Lilac Bradford.

On accessing the Invoice pages, Karen Bradford will be able to view the invoices posted in her name.  She will not be able to view the invoices of the members of her family, including her parents, Dennis Bradford, Lilac Bradford, and her stepmother Mary Smith.

For example, on the Payment History page of the Invoice, the invoice details of Karen Bradford is listed. As mentioned earlier, she, being a student can view and pay only her invoices.

Parents’ Access to Invoice Resource

Spouses with Profile Edit Permission

Generally, parents can view the invoices of their children.  Parents with profile edit permission of spouse can view the invoices of a spouse.

In this example, Dennis Bradford is able to view the invoices of his spouse, Mary Smith, since they have profile edit permission of spouse.

Spouses without Profile Edit Permission

The parents without profile edit permission of the spouse cannot view the invoices of the spouse.  

In this example, Lilac Bradford is not able to view the invoices of her spouse Dennis Bradford since they do not have profile edit permission of spouse.