Parents can access this page to signup for the events and view their assignments and signup report. Click Sign Up link in the left margin. The Signup page displays all the events that members have signed up for and not signed up yet.

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Signing up for the Events

Members can easily sign up for the events using Signup functionality.

  1. Click Open for Sign Up at the top-left of the Signup Home page. The page displays only the events entries that the member is yet to sign up.Image title
  2. Click Sign Me Up link of the respective event. The page will refresh and display the message "You are added to the assignee list".

Viewing all Signups

Members can view all the signed up events using My Signups functionality.

Clicking the My Signups displays the assignments pertaining to the member.

To email the signups

You can email the events.

Click the Email this page link at the top-right.

To work on the signup resource, click the Signup link in the left margin. This page lists the past sign up events created and provides options for editing/deleting and adding new sign up events.

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You can lock the sign up using the Lock link. On locking the signup for a specific event, the page will refresh and display operation successful message. You can also email the event to all the assignees using the Email Assignees link.

Signing up for the Events

You can sign up for the events using the Open for Signup functionality.

  1. Click Open for Sign Up at the top-left of the Signup Home page.
  2. Click the Sign Me Up link of the respective event. The page will refresh and display the message.

Adding/Modifying Events Entries

You can add/edit events using the Add/Modify Entries functionality.

  1. Click Add/Modify Entries.Image title
  2. Enter the event details.
  3. Click Add

You can remove the assignees using Clear All Assignees.

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Click the Edit link to modify the event details.

Viewing the Assignments of the Members

You can easily view the signup assignments details of each member using My Assignments functionality.

  1. Click the My Assignments link.Image title
  2. Select the member from Volunteer drop-down list.