You can see the forms home page where the school can enter instructions. 

  1. To use or edit a previously created Form, click the Form's link in the left margin. The Form Home page is displayed.
  2. Click Next to go to the Form.
  3. Answer all questions and fill in the information in the each section of the form.
  4. You can save the information in the form and can continue later using Save.
     You can review the form by clicking the [Review] link. 
  5. Click Submit to submit the form. Submitting the form means that you have entered complete information. 

You can print a copy of the form at this time by clicking Print form.

Administrator options

An administrator has a number of options when using the Forms resource. Once the administrator clicks on the form resource in the Quick links section of the group the forms home page is displayed.

Notes: SchoolSpeak generally does not recommend completing forms for another member. You may ask the parent to log into their own account or setup another station that parents may use to complete the form.

Just as in the parent view, the forms home page should display the general instructions on how to complete the form. An administrator may complete a form for themselves or may complete for another member by clicking Next

From this page, administrators or members with EDIT permission may also query the records (locate completed forms), upload form data via a CSV file. Preview the current form, EDIT the fields and sections within the form, or change the settings of this form. 

By default Account administrators have access to forms. Additional members may be given access to forms by listing their name in the EDIT permission of the form resource