To use the volunteer calendar:

Click the Volunteer Calendar link in the left margin. This page lists the past calendar events created and provide options for editing/deleting and adding new calendar events.

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Click each link on the top of the page to go to the respective page

You can use the download as CSV to download the events list as a CSV file.

Viewing all the Events

You can view all-volunteer events using the Signup functionality.

  1. Click the SignUp link. You will see this page.Image title

You can lock/unlock the sign up using the Lock/Unlock links. On locking the signup for a specific event, the page will refresh and display operation successful message. You can also email the event to all the assignees using the Email All Assignees Below link. And clicking on the Email this page link navigates you to the Email page. 

You can email all the assignees of a specific event using the Email Assignees link.

Click the My Assignments tab to view the events you have signed up.

Click the Open tab to view open events for a specific time period.

Signing up for the Events

You can easily sign up for the volunteer events using the Open for Signup functionality.

  1. Click the Open for SignUp link. You will see this page.Image title
  2. Click the Sign Me Up link. The page will refresh and display the message.Image title

Adding/Modifying Events Entries

You can add/edit volunteer events using the Add/Modify Entries functionality.

To add single event:

  1. Click Add/Modify Entries link. You will see this page.Image title
  2. Enter the event details.
  3. Click Add. The page will refresh and display the message.

To add a recurring event:

  1. Click Add/Modify Entries link. You will see this page.

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    Enter the recurrence details in the Recurrence Pattern section in case of a recurring event. Click the Add Category link to add event category. Select the appropriate group for the event from Member Type options. Select assignees & substitutes from Select Assignees to add and Select Substitutes to add list boxes respectively.Select date to view the related events of the selected date in the Change Date drop-down list. Search for the event entries in case of a list of entries in the Find Items section.
  2. Click Add. The page will refresh and display the message.Image title

You can remove the assignees using Clear All Assignees.

Click the Edit link to modify the event details.

Viewing the Assignments of the Members

You can easily view the volunteer assignments details of each member using the My Assignments functionality.

  1. Click My Assignments link.
  2. Select the member from Volunteer drop-down list.Image title

Viewing Member Report

You can easily view the volunteer hours of each member using the Member Report functionality.

  1. Click the Member Report link. You will see this page.Image title
  2. Select the group from Select Family from Group drop-down list.
  3. Click Go.

Viewing Family Report

You can easily view the volunteer hours of each family using the Family Report functionality.

  1. Click the Family Report link. You will see this page.Image title
  2. Select the group from Select Family from Group drop-down list.
  3. Click Go.

Sending Email Invitation

You can send email invitations of the volunteer events to the members using the Send Email Invitation functionality.

  1. Click the Send Email Invitation link. You will see this page.Image title
  2. Enter the email Ids or click ToCcBcC to go to the Select from Groups and Members page.
  3. Select the groups/members and click Add to 'To'/ Add to 'Cc' /Add to 'Bcc'  to add the selected groups/members to respective fields on the Select from Groups and Members page.
  4. Click Choose File in the Attach File section to add attachments.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. Include the URL of the Signup page if need be in the Forwarded URL section.
  7. Click Send.