You can download the forms as CSV files, print/export, delete forms, save the forms as a PDF, and email the forms to the members. These features are available on the Query Records page.

Query Records

You can view all the forms with various statuses such as submitted, being edited, etc. and search for the records based on different search criteria.

Click the Query Records link. 

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Click View All Records to view all the forms.

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More Options – This link displays the More Options dialog box where you can update the details. 

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Update the details and click Save to save the changes.

Preview – This link displays the form.

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You can print or download using Print and Save as PDF respectively.


Edit – This link displays the form in the edit mode.

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Fill in each section of the form in all the pages and click Save.

You can review the form using the Review link and click Submit to submit the form.

Download of CSV

  1. Click Download CSV. The records are displayed as a CSV file.
  2. Save the records to your device.

Print or export

  1. Click Print or export.
  2. Select the fields from Fields list box as appropriate and click Add.
  3. Click Extract all fields.
  4. Click Print/Download CSV file as required.

Delete Selected

  1. To delete more than one record at a time, select the required records.
  2. Click Delete Selected.

Save as PDF 

  1. Select the required records.
  2. Select the file format options as appropriate and click Save to pdf.

Email Submitter

  1. To email the submitter, select the required records.
  2. Click Email Submitter.
  3. Enter the email Ids or click To/Cc/Bcc to go to the Select from Groups and Members page. 
  4. Select the groups/members by clicking on the name and click Add to ‘To’/Add to ‘Cc’/Add to ‘Bcc’ as appropriate to add the selected groups/members to respective To, CC or BCC fields for the email.
    a. Click Choose File in the Attach File section to add attachments and click ‘Upload’.
  5. Click Preview to view the email prior to sending or click Send.


Basic Search

You can search for the records using the following fields.

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Search members with no records

You can search for the members who do not have any records.

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Select the search criteria as appropriate and click Go.


Advanced search

You can search for the records of members using the following criteria:

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Select the search criteria as appropriate and click Go.

Search using custom fields

You can search for the records using predefined custom fields.

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  1. Click the Select Search Fields link.Image title
  2. Select the fields and click Add FieldsImage title
  3. Enter the name in the Name field and click Go.

Forms upload

You can upload forms using the forms upload feature.

  1. Click More on the top-right of the Form Home page.
  2.  Click Forms UploadImage title
  3. Click Choose File to select the form.
  4. Select the options as appropriate.
  5. Click Upload.



You can review and submit the form using the preview feature.

  1. Click Preview . Image title
  2. Click the[Edit this Section]link in each section to add/modify the fields in the form.Image title
    • Select the required section of the form from Show fields in section drop-down list.
    • Select the field that you want to add to the particular section of the form from Select field to add drop-down list.

      You can copy the fields from one form to another form using the Copy fields to another form.

  3. Click each page to review and click Submit.


You can use this feature to add/modify fields in each section of the form.

  1. Click the Edit link. Image title
  2. Select the required section of the form from Show fields in section drop-down list.
  3. Select the field that you want to add to the particular section of the form from the Select field to add a drop-down list.

    You can use Edit/Delete links to edit/delete the fields respectively.

  4. Click the Add/Edit Section link to add sections to the form.Image title
  5. Enter/select section details and click Add.

You can use theEdit link to edit the section; the Edit Fields link to edit the fields in the section, and the Delete link to delete the section.