To work on the Disciple of Christ, click the Disciple of Christ link in the left margin. This page lists the reports tracked and provides options for editing/deleting and adding new reports.
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Adding New Report

You can add new reports for the members using New Report functionality.

  1. Click the New Report link.Image title

    Select the student(s) from Report for list box. Select the person who adds the report from Reported by drop-down list. Select the date for which you want the report from the Date Picker. Select the report type from Report Type drop-down list. Select the virtues from Virtues list box. Select the ways to cultivate the virtues from Ways to cultivate options.
  2. Click Add.

Viewing Report

You can view all the reports of the students using the Report functionality.

  1. Click the Report link.Image title
    • Specify the required date range or select the semester from the
    • Sort the records using the Sort records by options.
    • Select the required group or student(s) from Students from section.
  2. Click Show Records . The report(s) of the selected student(s) get displayed on the same page.Image title
  3. Click the View link to view the respective report. The report detail is displayed.Image title
  4. Click the close icon to close the report details.