The members (users) of SchoolSpeak are categorized as follows:

  • Members  –  A member is anyone who has a login ID to access the application. Typical members are parents, students, teachers, vendors, and administrators. Note: Students are assigned a login ID and Password even if the school does not allow students to log into the application. 

These users have access to the data pertaining to self and to other members associated with the school community.

  • Group Administrator - Typically the teacher or coordinator of a group. Group Administrators have four basic administrative privileges within the group. A group administrator may
    • Email the group members
    • Add new resources to a group
    • Change the group settings
    • Add/modify group members

When creating a new group you may set up a member as a Group Administrator. 

When new resources are created the Group Admin will have access to the resources. Any resources that existed before the member was added to the Group Admin list will need to be provided privilege to the pre-existing resources. Permissions to Edit or administer particular resources may be granted without making a member a Group Admin.

  • SchoolSpeak Account Administrator – Typically, the school Principal or the person(s) responsible for day to day maintenance of SchoolSpeak.

The SchoolSpeak account administrator has access to all of the tools and features of the system. For example, an account administrator may change the access rights for users, change how the gradebooks work within your school, provide access to emails and texts from SchoolSpeak and set up new groups and resources.

Your school can have more than one account administrator. It is generally recommended though, that you keep the number of administrators to the minimum required by the needs of your school. As each administrator has the power to make changes, it is often better to keep the number of administrators low so that you are able to monitor changes made to your account more efficiently.