What is the difference between the different types of/ fields?    

The variety of fields are available to make it easier for admins to gather the information they need in the format that will best suit their record keeping.  

There are several ideas behind which field is best for what kind of information. First, it can be very beneficial to restrict the selection choices of parents to generate a more consistent response from members completing the form. The fields accept only one response are:  


Radio Button List – offers two or more choices that are all side-by-side separated by radio buttons. Only one value can be chosen. 

Dropdown List – offers two or more choices that are offered in a menu box. Only one value can be chosen. 

Single Checkbox  - A single box to check if content applies to member submitting form. Only one value can be chosen. 


The fields that accept one or more responses are: 

Check Box List –  offers two or more choices in a list of check boxes. Multiple values can be chosen.  

List box – A scrolling box with two or more choices. Multiple values can be chosen. 


Other field types do not constrain parents to a selection of answers. Instead they are able to type values as text.  

Text Field - will allow long form text entry. It can be limited to X number of characters on the form. 

Name field -  will create a separate field for First, Middle, and Last Names. Each of these are optional and can be modified so only one or two are the makeup of the field.  

Address field-  can be configured to allow Line 1, Line 2, City, State, Zip Code and Country.  

Email - cannot be configured and entries to this field must have an @xxxxx.xxx format to be accepted. 

Date Time -  can configure the Date and Time to Month/Day/Year and to Hour:Minute:Second:Millisecond. All of these can be enabled or only some can be enabled 

Signature Field – Will allow parents to render their signature digitally 

Number – Will only accept numerical values 

Gender – Allow designation of gender in the form 


There is also the field type Heading.  This field cannot accept values submitted by parents. The purpose of this field is to format large blocks of text and information to be included in the form.