Often schools must share information that is important and must be able to verify that a person parent has read the message. With the bulletin resource, administrators and teachers may track when a member reads an announcement and even ask the member to acknowledge the receipt of the announcement/webpage.

Many schools use the tracking/acknowledge functionality to verify receipt of the resources regarding:

  • Important school announcements
  • Food allergies in the classroom
  • Class room and school handbooks
  • Policy or safety update bulletins

Note:This feature may be added at any time when creating a new announcement/webpages or editing one that has been created.

Tracking Views

When tracking views in enabled on an announcement/webpage, SchoolSpeak will keep a log of which members view an announcement and include the member’s name and the time and date when the viewing occurred.

Please NoteTracking the view status does not mean that the member read the document, only that the announcement/webpage was viewed.

To enable view tracking

  1. Create the bulletin.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the edit page and click the Manage Tracking link
  3. Select View from the Set Tracking Option.Image title
  4. Click on Add or Update button at the bottom of the page.

Note: Parents will view the same way as a typical announcement or webpage. 

To view the status of the tracking

  1. Click Track at the top of to see the list of members, who have viewed the bulletin.

    : Any member with the Edit permission on the bulletin resource will have permission to view the tracklist.

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Admins email members who have or who have not viewed the bulletin. They may also reset the tracking for that bulletin.

Tracking Acknowledgement

When tracking acknowledgement is enabled in a bulletin, SchoolSpeak will keep a log of which members who have viewed the announcement and who have clicked the acknowledge button at the bottom of the announcement. The information displayed to teachers and administrators will include the name of the member, the time and date of the view and acknowledgement.

Please NoteUsing the acknowledge button is useful as it asks the member to do an extra step as they read the announcement and may be used for tracking receipt of information. This is may not be considered an executable electronic signature. Please contact your legal advisor if you plan to use the acknowledgement feature as an acceptance to a legal document such as a permission slip.

To enable acknowledgement tracking

  1. Create the bulletin.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the edit page and click the Manage Tracking link .Image title
  3. Select Acknowledge from the Set Tracking Option.
  4. Click on Add or Update button at the bottom of the page.

Teachers and administrators may track who has viewed and acknowledged the announcements/webpages.

To view the tracking list 

  1. Click on Track at the top of the resource page.

    SchoolSpeak will display a list of members who have viewed the announcement/webpage followed by a list of members who have acknowledged the announcement/webpage.
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Members with EDIT/ADMIN permission for the resource and system administrator are able to see who has viewed the resource and acknowledged it.

No Tracking

If the teacher or administrator does not want to track the view or acknowledgement status, then they can set the tracking settings to ‘None’. This is set by default for all new announcements/webpages.

  1. Create the announcement/webpage.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the edit page and click the Manage Tracking link.
  3. Select None from the Set Tracking Option.
  4. Click on Add or Update button at the bottom of the page.

Emailing Members/Families regarding  resources that is tracking the View or Acknowledge

Teachers and administrators may elect to send an email to members or families who have or have not viewed the resources.

  1. Click on Track at the top of the resource page.
  2. At the top of the view/acknowledge status list, note the option to email.Image title


To email members who have not viewed the announcement/webpage

  1. Click on the drop-down box next to Email  and choose members or families.
  2. Click on the drop-down box next to Not  and select Viewed.
  3. Click the Go button.

An email will be sent to those members who have not viewed.

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To email members who have not acknowledged the announcement/webpage

  1. Click on drop-down box next to Email  and choose members or families.
  2. Click on drop-down box next to Not  and select Acknowledged.
  3. Click the Go button.

An email will be sent to those members who have not acknowledged the announcement/webpage.