Students can view the homework of all the subjects of the grade in which they read and can submit the homework online if the online submission is enabled.

Clicking on the Homework link on the left margin displays the homework of all the subjects on a page.

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Homework of the individual subjects is displayed by clicking the each subject.

Click the Read link to view the homework in detail.


Online submission of Homework

This feature enables students to submit homework online by uploading their homework online.  Homework submitted beyond the end date will show up in red.

  1. Click the More link in the respective homework.Image title
  2. Click the Click to submit assignment link.
    Note: The homework cannot be typed in directly; you can upload your homework as an attachment in Ms Word or PDF format.

  3. Click Choose File to select the file.Image title
  4. Click Upload.Image title


To modify submitted homework, remove the homework document using Remove next to the attached file; re-upload the attachment; and attachment with same file name will be overwritten.