Settings for the Lesson Plan Resource

The following picture shows you how to set the settings for the lesson plan.

  1. Click the Settings link on the lesson plan page. The Settings page is displayed.Image title

    • Show days as – Display of days row-based or column-based.
    • Number of periods per day – By default, it is 8. You can change as required.
    • Work Week – Select the working days
    • Week Starts On -  Select the start day of the week
    • Editor – You can select HTML editor if you want. By default, the built-in text editor is displayed for entering the lesson plan detail.
    • Show – You can uncheck the checkbox if you don’t want to add any of these in the lesson plan By default, all the 3 are selected.
    • Standard –You can uncheck the checkbox if you don’t want to add any of these gradebook standard descriptors in the lesson plan. By default, both are set. Identifier is usually a short code to identify the standard (ie: 8.RL.1.1 for 8th Reading/Language Arts 1.1) while the description shows the whole standard text.
    • Configuration per cell – You can select any of these configurations for every period of the lesson plan.
    • Cell Width  & Cell Height – You can specify the width and height of the cells. Note that if cells become too large you may need to scroll across the page to see the whole week.
    • When archived, copy records for next School Year – Set this to Yes if you want the lesson plans of the current year along with same Homework data configuration to be copied to the next year with the new date while archiving. The previous entire year will still be available for reference and can be copied from regardless of the selection here.
    • Show lesson plan to parents and students - If you want to share the lesson plan with parents and students. 
    • Template – Set the template for the lesson plan. This will appear in each cell of the lesson plan.
  2. Select and set the required settings for the lesson plan and click Save to save the selected settings.

Click here for instructions on adding a new resource