Progress Report Analysis

This report can be run by Teachers/Admins. It is not accessible to parents. This report will show all the students in the homeroom class and their grades in each subject they are being graded. This report can only pull grades from the gradebook, so subjects entered directly into the report cards will not be included. 
    1. Use the Change Group dropdown on the home page to navigate to the homeroom group.
    2. Under Progress Report in the left Quicklinks, click on Grade Summary
    3.  Click Analysis
    4.  Choose the needed term in the Term dropdown. 
    5. In the FROM: option, select Gradebook to see most current gradebook data
    6. Click Display and select from options available (For example, select GPA, Percentage, or Letter Grade) to see the specific grade data needed. 

    7. In the table below, you should see the data i.e. student name, percentage, which is available for the term and subjects.
    8. To export:
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      To print the screen, click Print