Before you start exploring SchoolSpeak, we recommend you:

Change your password

By now you may have received login credentials by email. These credentials are a randomly generated password and a login ID that usually consists of first initial and last name. The password that you received is one generated by the system, so please change the password after logging in. As a security measure, do not use the same password you have previously used on other non-SchoolSpeak websites.

To change your password:

  1. Click your Username in the top-right corner.
  2.  Click Change password in the top-right corner menu.
  3. Enter your old password.
  4. Enter the new password you would like to use twice (minimum 8 characters).
  5. Click Change to save your new password.

Make sure your profile is correct

Each person that logs into SchoolSpeak has a profile that stores your contact information as well as any other information that your school may have added.  Each member has a unique profile with their own separate login credentials. Take a moment and review the information that is on your profile. Make any changes necessary so your school has up-to-date information in case they need to contact you.

To update your profile:

  1. Click your Username in the top-right corner.
  2. Click Edit My Profile in the top-right corner menu.
  3. Review your information and make any changes that are necessary and click Update.
  4. To review your other family member’s profiles – click Family Update on the top-right corner.
  5. Review the other fields and click Update when you are done.

Note: Do not share your login credentials with students as they can do parent functions such as signing report cards.