Preparing for the new school year

What do you need to do to prepare SchoolSpeak ready for new school year? There is a tool for that! Learn the [Admin] => "Prepare for new school year" tool.

This session covers:
  • Wait, do not move up students and delete outgoing families in a hurry!
  • Finalizing and archiving current school year data
  • Overview of the Prepare for New School Year admin tool
  • Review of archiving process including new enhancements
  • Promoting current students and adding new students to classes
  • Review Student Transfer and Batch Group Transfer admin tools
  • How to work with students/families that have left or graduated
  • Overview of Batch Member Delete/Disable Admin tool
  • Preparing groups for next year

To learn more about this tool:

Adding new families for the new school year need not wait until the archival and purging is complete. You can add the new families now and optionally issue them SchoolSpeak login. This is a great way to welcome new families and start involving them in the school community. For details visit the webinar recording on adding new families.