Parents can access this page to signup for the events and view their assignments and volunteer hours report.

Click the Volunteer Calendar link in the left margin. The Signup page displays all the events that members have signed up for and not signed up yet.

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My Assignments tab displays the events you have signed up.

Open tab displays the events open for a specific time period.

Signing up for the Events

Members can easily sign up for the volunteer events using the Signup functionality.

  1. Click the Open for SignUp link. The page will display all the events members are yet to sign up.Image title
  2. Click the Sign Me Up link in the respective rows of the events. The page will refresh and display the message.Image title

The My Assignments tab displays the assignments pertaining to the member.

The Open tab displays only the events entries that the member is yet to sign up.

Viewing Sign Up History

The members can easily view volunteer events history using the My Assignments functionality.

Click My Assignments link.

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You can send this page to your email using the Email this page link on the top-left.


Viewing Member Report

The members can easily view their volunteer hours using the Member Report functionality.

Click the Member Report link.

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Viewing Family Report

The members can easily view the volunteer hours of each members of the family using the Family Report functionality.

Click the Family Report link.

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