You can view the payment and balance details in the respective reports.

Payment Report

The Payment Report displays all the paid invoices and other past payments. 

  1. Click Reports on the Invoice page.
  2. Click Payment Report.
  3. Select any of the following search criteria.
    • Date range
    • Payment Type
    • Payment Processor
    • Payment Status
  4. Click Search.
    The page will refresh and display data based on the selected search criteria.

Balance Report

The Balance Report displays all the unpaid invoices and other payments. 

  1. Click Reports on the Invoice page.
  2. Click Balance Report.

    You can use the View link on this page to go to the Payment Report page where you can view the payments information.
  3. Select a Date range to view report.
  4. Click the Select categories to include link to select the category for which you want to view the report.
  5. Select the categories as appropriate and click Search.
    The page will refresh and display data for the selected date and category.

Payment Report

You can view the payment, balance, and cash-flow details in respective reports.

The Payment Report displays all the paid invoices and other past payments.

  1. Click Reports on the Invoice page.
  2. Click Payment Report.
  3. Select any of the following search criteria.
    • Group
    • Member Type
    • Member
    • Date range from the date pickers.
    • Payment Type/Payment Processor/Payment Status options
  4. Click Search.
    The page will display data based on the selected search criteria.

Payment Type Report

The Payment Type Report enables you to view all the invoices based on the payment types.

  1. Click Reports on the Invoice page.
  2. Click Payment Type Report.
  3. Select any of the following search criteria:
    • Date range
    • Payment Type options
    • Category Selection - Click the Select categories to include link to select the category as appropriate.
  4. Click Run report. The report is displayed based on the selected criteria.

Balance Report

The Balance Report displays all the unpaid invoices and other payments.

  1. Click Reports on the Invoice page.
  2. Click Balance Report.
  3. Select any of the following search criteria.
    • Group
    • Member
    • Date range
    • Click Select categories to include link to select the invoice category.
  4. Click Search. 
    The page will refresh and display data based on the selected criteria.

Cash Flow Report

The Cash Flow Report displays all the invoices and other payments.

  1. Click Reports on the Invoice page.
  2. Click Cash Flow Report.
  3. Select any of the following search criteria:
    • Date range
    • Report on option
    • Category Selection
  4. Click Search.
    The page will refresh and display data based on the selected criteria.

Schedule Report

The Schedule Report enables you to view all the invoices and other payments with the scheduled payment date.

  1. Click Reports on the Invoice page.
  2. Click Schedule Report.
  3. Select any of the following search criteria:
    • Group, member type, and member from respective drop-downs.
    • Date range
    • Payment Status option(s)
    • Show autopay account not configured schedules – To show in the report the scheduled invoices of members who have not configured autopayment
  4. Click Search.
    The page will refresh and display data based on the selected criteria.