SchoolSpeak Homework resource allows teachers to post homework of any types like projects, tests or special events online in a few seconds using shortcuts. After teachers finish entering homework for one subject/class, they can quickly switch to another class.

Students also can submit homework online; teachers have to set up a location for students to submit homework. Students can submit a wide range of file types; students have to organize the homework in one or more files and upload it to SchoolSpeak. Online submission for students can be enabled or disabled for each assignment published on SchoolSpeak. By default, online submission is disabled and teachers need to enable online submission in the Homework Add/Edit page. Teachers can view student submission online and download homework uploaded by students.

Salient Features of Homework Resource

  • Easy for speciality teachers to make class announcements with due dates.
  • Easy to have one homework area for all subjects in a class (common for grades K to 4) or different subject teachers can have a separate homework area
  • Easy to enter detailed descriptions of the homework with a due date and attach one or more files; and to send homework over email to the class in a couple of clicks.
  • Tests show up till the due date constantly reminding students and parents
  • Visual indicators catch attention if homework is newly posted, updated or due.
  • Easy to make corrections before the due date. Late submissions are flagged.
  • Enables to enter the homework in advance and lets you control when they should be published