How to add members for texting - Account Level

  1. Go to Admin Utilities page by clicking [Admin] or Tools link on the top-left of any SchoolSpeak page.
  2. Select Configure System from Account Configuration.
  3. Click the User Privileges link on the Edit Community Details page.
  4. Click the Edit link in the box next to Text/SMS All to add members/groups whom you want give permission to SMS/Text anyone in your community.
  5. Click Add Members/Add Groups links to add members/groups.

  6. Click Add Members/Add Groups links and select the member(s)/group(s) as appropriate.
    SchoolSpeak recommends adding only trusted persons to this powerful functionality. Take note of the group membership when opting to add a group to the permission list.
  7. Click Add selected members/Add selected groups as appropriate.
  8. Click the Go back link on the top-left to go to the Edit Community Details page.

How to include texting permission-Group level

SchoolSpeak account administrators can allow the group admin to send a text from the group properties page or can indicate additional persons when property is enabled.

  1. Click Email icon on the Home page.
  2. Select Text/SMS. The warning message is displayed.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click the Permissions link next to the group’s name.
  5. Click the Edit link.
  6. Select the member(s)/group(s) as appropriate.
  7. Click Add .
  8. Click Close to go to the Manage Permissions page.