Hide Groups from Members
Certain groups should only be visible to Account Admins. Follow the directions below to update the settings to do this.
  1. Go to the Community Administration Utilities (the Admin page) by clicking [Admin  in the top left corner of any SchoolSpeak  page 
  2. Find the section called Manage Groups and then find the tool Edit Groups from that section.
  3. Click All Groups
  4. From the list of the groups, find the desired homeroom group, and to the far right of the group name, click the blue [Admin] link.
  5. Click Configure Group to expand the section
  6. On the Group Admin page, switch the setting "Who can view this group?" to 'Admin' or 'Group Admin'
  7. Click Update. This will make the group visible only to Account Admins and/or Group Administrators, depending on the updated settings. 
 Please note – Account Admin can see any groups, but parents are not able to see restricted or hidden groups. To  check this, use "Switch User" as a parent and check their view.