
The Edit Gradebook Parameters tool lets you set up the gradebooks and edit default gradebook configuration such as terms, letter grade & GPA scale, categories and their weight, score codes, comment codes, summary fields, and attendance codes.

You can also copy the gradebook configurations for selected gradebooks from one community to another community using the Admin tool, Copy Gradebook Configurations.

How to Access the Edit Gradebook Parameters Tool

Edit Gradebook Parameters tool is listed on the Admin Utilities page in Account Configuration.

To access this tool as an account administrator:

  1. Go to Community Administration Utilities page by clicking [Admin] link on the top-left of any SchoolSpeak page.
  2. Select Edit Gradebook Parameters in Account Configuration.

How to Configure Gradebooks

The different sections of gradebook parameters are:

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Using Copy Configuration functionality, you can easily copy the gradebook configuration from one community to another community by specifying the community ID from which you want to copy the configuration details.

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  1. Enter the community ID from where you wish to copy the data.
  2. Select the required sections using the checkbox.
  3. Click Copy.


In Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section, you can choose the member type who can make changes to different sections of gradebooks.

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  1. Select the required parameters using checkbox and click Save.
  2. Click the Select Gradebooks link to go to the Select Grade Resources page.
  3. Select the required groups and click Search.
  4. Click Add Selected Resources to add the selected resources.
  5. Click Back to Operation Page to come to the Edit Gradebook Parameters page.
  6. Click Update Gradebooks in this section.

In Configure Gradebook section, set gradebook details such as GPA credit hours, assignment score, email notification, assignment label, attendance details, and lunch order payment and due amount.

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  1. Specify the required parameters and click Save.
  2. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.  

In Progress Report section, select the summary information such as overall grade, grade category, attendance, and assignments that you want to include in the progress report.

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  1. Specify the required parameters and click Save.
  2. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.  

In Edit Display Configuration section, select the display values such as score, percent, letter grade, GPA, standing, standard, and color bands for percentage.

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  1. Select the required parameters and click Update.
  2. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.  

In Edit Terms section, add the term duration. Also, it is easy to update the term dates due to various reasons at any point of the school year .

Note: Throughout the page, use Edit and DeleteDelete links to edit and to delete records.

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  1. Enter the term details and click Add.
  2. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.  

You can recreate the gradebooks using Recreate Gradebooks feature.

To update term dates:

  1. Click the Edit link next of the respective quarter or term to update the existing dates.
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  2. Click Update All.


In Edit Categories section, add/edit the grade categories and weight.

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  1. Enter the details and click Add.
  2. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.

The Clear option deletes the details you entered and leaves the fields blank.

In Edit Letter Grades section, add/edit the letter grade details such as minimum percent, value, and GPA grade value to manage total points earned, weighted category or weighted assignments grade computation for one assignment or multiple assignments.

Note: Lower grades may choose to publish only letter grades, not percentage or total points.

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  1. Enter the letter grade details and click Add.
  2. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.


In Edit Standard Grade Scale section, add/edit grade scales details.

Note: Grade scale and GPA can be different for lower grades or enrichment subjects. 

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  1. Enter the standard grade scale  and its values.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Click Add New Row to add rows.
  4. Select the grade scales using the check box.
  5. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.

To edit the grade scale details:

  1. Click the Edit link next to the Grade Scale.Image title
  2. Change the grade scale values.
  3. Click Update.


In Edit Standards section, you can select standard details to record grading method and standard scale. 

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  1. Select the standard details as required and click Save.
  2. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.


In Edit Score Codes section, add/edit the score codes details to record missing, pending or late assignments, and their contribution to overall grade.
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  1. Enter the Score code details.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.

To edit the score scode details:

  1. Click the Edit link next to the score codes.
  2. Change the score code details.
  3. Click Update


In Edit Comment Codes  section, enter comment codes to quickly enter comments against each student for the term or for a particular assignment.

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  1. Enter the comments code details.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.

To edit the comment codes:

  1. Click the Edit link next to the comment codes.
  2. Change the comment code.
  3. Click Update

In Edit Summary Fields  section, enter the summary messages.

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  1. Enter the summary details.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Repeat the steps 2-5 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.
  4. Click Copy.

To edit the summary fields:

  1. Click the Edit link next to the summary.
  2. Modify the summary details..
  3. Click Update


In Edit Attendance Codes section, enter attendance codes to quickly record students' attendance by entering codes such as 'A' for absence, 'T' for tardy, etc. School defines the attendance codes.

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  1. Enter the attendance code details.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Repeat the steps 2-6 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.

To edit the attendance codes:

  1. Click the Edit link next to the attendance codes.
  2. Modify the details.
  3. Click Update

In Re-Calculate Gradebook section,you can recalculate the grade calculations for any term.

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  1. Select the term from the Select Term drop-down list.
  2. Check the Also re-calculate Closed/locked gradebooks option as appropriate.
  3. Repeat the steps 2-5 in Who Can Edit Gradebook Settings section.
  4. Click Re-Calculate Grades.