There are several different levels of access to give to teachers and to other administrators or members of the SchoolSpeak community. 

 Account Level Permissions - 

  1. Account Administrators - Can access every feature in the system, and see all data for all members including grades, report cards, and personal contact data that has been hidden from other members in the system
  2. Account Contacts - School can elect to have certain administrators be the primary SchoolSpeak contact for users in the system. These are shown on the Contact Us page.
  3. Add Members - User does not have all privileges and access as Account Administrators and CANNOT see grades or Attendance, but can add new Members and Families into the system.
  4. Edit Members - Users do not have all privileges and access as Account Administrators, but can edit the profiles of members and families that have already been created. 
  5. Email All - Users may send emails to any member in the school with no further permissions
  6. Text/SMS All - Users may text any member in the school with no further permissions. 

Group Level Permissions -  

  1.  Group Administrator - May add or remove members from the group, may usually (some exceptions apply) email the group. Usually, cannot text the group although this can be configured by an Account Administrator to allow it. 
  2. Email Group - Emailing groups may be setup so that any member can email it or so that only certain people that have been granted access can email it. If email access to groups is restricted, usually (but not always)  the group administrator may email. Users can also be granted access to email the group, even if it is restricted and they are not the group administrator
  3. Text/SMS - This is very rare, but some schools will opt to all certain groups to receive Texts/SMS sent through SchoolSpeak. Users can be given access to this feature, but it requires configuring the group to allow it. Unless groups are specifically configured to allow it, only Account Administrators may send Text/SMS messages through SchoolSpeak.

Resource Level Permissions - 

  1. View/Include - This is the lowest access that can be give. It is used for two things: 1. To allow parents and other school members to see published content on that resource. 2. It is used to populate students into the gradebooks and in other resources. 
  2. View All Data - Users who can view gradebook data but not edit. This is ONLY to be given to staff, as it allows the member to see all unpublished grades for the whole class in the gradebook.
  3. Edit - User may add content (post newsletters, add to calendar, take attendance, add homework, and add and grade assignments to the gradebooks, etc.) to resources with Edit access. They may also adjust Settings as well.
  4. Admin - Users have all permissions to that resource and can Edit it, but also can add people to see the resource, remove people from seeing the resource, add other members to edit, and can even Delete the resource.