Configure the Online Order Resource

You can configure the resource by selecting the relevant settings that get reflected on the different pages of the resource.

Click the Set Up link on the Online Order page to configure the resource. You will see the following options:
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Click the Instructions and Configurations link to set the messages that would appear on the following pages:

  • Message on School Home page: Message displayed on the Home page of School Group.
  • Message on Home page: Message/instructions displayed on the Order page of Online Order resource.

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To add/update item categories:     

  1. Click Edit Categories link to add/update item categories. 
    • Enter the category
  2. Click Add to add the category. Click Edit/Delete to add/edit the categories.Image title

To add/edit items:

  1. Click Edit Items link to add items, price, and discounts.
  2. Enter the details.
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  4. Click Update. The item is added to the item list section.Click Edit/Delete links next to the items to edit/delete items.

To add/edit delivery methods:

  1. Click the Edit Delivery Methods link.Image title
  2. Enter the delivery method details. 
  3. Click Update.

To add/edit payement methods:

  1. Click Edit Payment Methods link.Image title
  2. Enter the payment method details.
  3. Click Update.

To configure payment method:

  1. Click the Payment Configuration link. Image title
  2. Click the Edit link to set up the Payment Configurations.Image title
  3. Select the configuration options.
    • Show ‘I will pay later’  – If you want to allow the payment to be done even after the cut-off date for a particular order, you can set this to ‘Yes’, and the member will be able to see the I will pay later on the Payment page.
    • Allow partial payment – If you want receive partial the payment for a particular order, you set this to ‘Yes’ and specify the minimum amount.
    • Allow payment more than due amount – If you want to receive more than the due payment for a particular order, set this to ‘Yes’ and specify the maximum amount.
  4. Click Update to save the payment configuration.

To set the payment processor details:

  1. Specify the payment processor details in the Processor Configuration dialog box.
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    Do the followings:
    • Payment Type – Select one of the payment types such as Check Card, Credit Card, and Vanco.
    • Processor Name – Based on the selected Payment Type, this gets automatically updated.
    • Convenience Fee – Specify any additional fees such as check processing fee or something similar according to the custom of the place.
    • Email – Your school (business) email.
  2. Click Add to add the processor configuration.

Note: If you select Payment Type as Vanco, the Processor Configuration fields differ.
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