The Yearly Attendance report will print a year calendar of the attendance of each student in a class. This report can be used to audit the Attendance taken by looking at the number of total days the students are showing Attendance.

  1. Use the Change Group dropdown on the home page to navigate to the group the Attendance resource is in
  2. Click on Attendance under the Progress Report link
  3. Click on the blue Attendance link.
  4. Hover the mouse cursor over blue Reports link and select Yearly Attendance from the list that drops down.
  5. Go to the upper left side Groups dropdown to select the next needed group.
  6. Count the total number of days and compare with the number of days that School was in session

If the number doesn’t match, it means that the attendance wasn’t consistently entered by the teacher. There are two scenarios:

A: The attendance has too few days, so attendance wasn’t entered on days they were supposed to be.

B: The Attendance has too many days, so attendance was entered on days they were not supposed to be.


At this point, the attendance can be audited to find which days are missing or were taken erroneously and correct the attendance record.