Once the resource is configured, you may add new announcements/webpages and view the posted announcements. The added announcements and webpages will display to any member or group listed within the VIEW permission box under the resource Admin page.

Please note: Bulletins are time sensitive and appear in the center content area of the home page. Webpages are not time sensitive and are only accessible through the Quick Links

To add new announcement/webpage          

  1. Click New.Image title
  2. Enter the message to display on the group Home page as the title.
  3. Set the time range for the announcements will display on the Home  page. (Not applicable for Webpages).
  4. Create the text for the announcement or webpage. (Optional)Image title
  5. NoteYou may opt to include text, include attachments (files and pictures) or link to another page or website when using these resources. Please see the following  sections for more information.
  6. Click the Add button.

Viewing Resource Content

To view previously created Announcements

  1. Click on the bulletin/webpage resource name under the Quick Link section of the group.
  2. Click the List link if already looking at a single bulletin.
  3. Click Change Date to vew past announcementsImage title
  4. Click on the respective announcement/webpage to view the details.Image title

Edit or delete the announcements/webpages using Edit/Delete links next to the respective announcements/webpage.

To view a list of the webpages listed within the Webpage Resource

  1. Click on the Webpage resource.
    A list of the pages included within  the Webpage resource is displayed. (To change the order of the webpages listed, please use the arrows to the right of the page name to change the page location  order.)Image title
  2. Click on the respective web page to view the content.